Donations to be collected for Smith, Guyer memorials at Whiteland football game

Donations will be collected at tonight’s Whiteland Varsity football game to go toward efforts to honor two fallen hometown heroes at Proctor Park.

Maribeth Alspach, former New Whiteland clerk-treasurer, is leading fundraising efforts to place memorials for fallen State Trooper Aaron Smith and Johnson County Sheriff’s Deputy Tim Guyer at Proctor Park on Tracy Road. Funds are going toward a memorial stone and a brick on the “Walk of Freedom” to honor Smith’s service in the National Guard and bricks for both Smith and Guyer on the “Pathway of Honor” honoring public safety personnel.

The group fundraising for the park will have a table at the west end of the football field at tonight’s game at Whiteland Community High School. Anyone attending can make a donation and also enter for a chance to win a dinner for two donated by Texas Roadhouse. Volunteers will be collecting money in the bleachers during the game. UpLift Johnson County has also created a QR code allowing people to donate with PayPal or credit card by scanning the code, or going to

The varsity football game kicks off at 8 p.m. tonight.