Note to readers: Opinion lineup changes coming

With the elimination of the Monday paper, there are a few changes to note for the opinion page. Some content readers are used to seeing on the page will be published on different days, and some will move to a different section of the newspaper.

Here’s what to expect for our publication schedule moving forward:

On Tuesdays, we will publish columns by Publisher John Krull and Indiana Capital Chronicle Editor Niki Kelly;

On Wednesdays, the column by Ball State economist Michael Hicks;

On Thursdays, two columns from a rotating group of columnists;

On Fridays, Franklin College professor David Carlson and former Daily Journal editor Bud Herron;

On Saturdays, Daily Journal Senior Reporter Ryan Trares and retired Clark-Pleasant teacher Norman Knight.

The biweekly columns by Johnson County Public Library and Greenwood Public Library staff will move to the Accent section, which publishes Saturdays.

Contact [email protected] with any questions or comments you may have about opinion page content.