Ryan Trares: A house divided

My wife didn’t stand a chance.

As a parent, one of the joys is passing on the interests that you’re passionate about. You want your children to appreciate the movies, music, activities and places that mean so much to you.

For my wife, that meant bestowing her love of all things Disney to Anthony as he grew older. His nursery was decorated in Mickey Mouse; he made his first pilgrimage to the House of Mouse when he was just 1 year old.

And Anthony responded. He loves to curl up on the couch and watch Disney movies. He and my wife have gone through the entire catalog many times. He’s unquestionably a fan.

As a graduate of Purdue University, my wife is also a huge Boilermaker football and basketball fan. She figured living in Indiana, she’d have no trouble getting Anthony to root for the Old Gold and Black.

She underestimated me.

From me, Anthony has acquired a different but no less obsessive passion — Ohio State sports, particularly football.

Growing up in Toledo, Saturdays belonged to the Buckeyes. Everything seemed to revolve around gameday, and I can pinpoint exactly where I was for too many thrilling wins and heartbreaking losses.

My whole family would crowd around the radio or the TV to follow every play. Not that I’m proud of this, but my mood the rest of my weekend would depend on a win vs. a loss.

I’ve mellowed as I’ve aged (not everyone would agree with that) but still love to follow the team. And I’ve brought Anthony along with me.

Since the time he was a baby, Anthony has been inundated with Buckeye gear. Onesies, pajamas, t-shirts, jerseys — he’s had them all. We got him a plush Brutus the Buckeye to play with, and decorated his room with scarlet-and-gray decals.

Best of all, Anthony is my game-day buddy. He makes signs, wears his lucky shirt and celebrates with me after a big play.

Though my wife wishes he’d chosen Purdue, there was no stopping my Ohio State influence. And with football season kicking off this weekend, all of us are gearing up.

So this morning, I’ll be hanging up my scarlet banner with the block O on the front porch. You’ll be able to hear “Buckeye Battle Cry” — Ohio State’s official fight song — as well as its unofficial one, “Hang On Sloopy,” blaring from inside.

Anthony and I will probably be tossing the football back and forth in the front yard.

But we’ll give a nod to Purdue as well. A black Boilermaker flag will hang off to the side, and we’ll be rooting for the team to win that day.

My wife realizes it’s likely just lip service. But she’s cool with it — she can just throw on a few Disney movies when the game is over.

Ryan Trares is a senior reporter and columnist for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].