JCPL Column: Following a Convoy of Care

Imagine visiting one location and connecting with a variety of vital community services. This will happen at the Convoy of Care events. The Convoy is a gathering of community partners that connects individuals with a wide variety of helpful resources.

At these events, residents will have the opportunity to receive a free car seat and diapers, get up-to-date on vaccinations, grab a library card and meet Johnson County Public Library’s mascot Bibli. People can talk to staff from a food pantry, WIC, Bridges Alliance of Johnson County, Girls Inc. of Johnson County, and more.

In the next few weeks, the Convoy of Care is traveling across Johnson County. Find the Convoy from 4-6 p.m. at the Trafalgar Branch Library on Monday, Sept. 25, and the Franklin Branch on Wednesday, Oct. 11.

The purpose of the Convoy is to allow people to meet with community service organizations all in one place. Some services available at the Convoy of Care include receiving necessary vaccines from the Johnson County Health Department, and connecting with food pantries, such as the Great Harvest Food Pantry. Participants can also grab free diapers and wipes from the Indiana Diaper Source.

For families with babies, some special opportunities exist for those who register. The first 20 individuals who sign up can receive free car seats and installation. Families that complete a safe sleep video training before the event and provide their certificate are eligible for a free pack-and-play.

To register for these special services, contact the WIC office at 317-736-6628 or register online here:

This program would not be possible without valuable community partners in Johnson County. We are thankful for the following organizations who are attending this event and making it possible: Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, ASPIN Health Navigators, ASSIST Indiana, Bridges Alliance of Johnson County, Chances and Services for Youth – CASY, Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority, Clarity Pregnancy Services, Covering Kids and Families, Firefly Children & Family Alliance, Girls Inc. of Johnson County, Great Harvest Food Pantry, Johnson County Health Department, Johnson County Public Library, Johnson County WIC (Women, Infants & Children), Indiana Diaper Source, Indiana Immunization Coalition, The Bowen Center, Turning Point Domestic Violence and WindRose Health Network.

Heather Grantham, is a Children’s Services Librarian at Franklin Branch Library. Tracy Smith is the coordinator for Johnson County WIC. JCPL staff members share in writing this twice-monthly column for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].