What small businesses can do to protect against cyber threats

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is offering cybersecurity tips for small business amid rising cyber threats.

Making sure businesses have the appropriate cybersecurity controls has become a necessary step in today’s economy. The average cost incurred by a business from a data breach is now more than $4 million, and approximately 40% of small businesses worldwide have reported losing essential data due to cyber-attacks, according to a news release from the Indiana Attorney General’s office.

About 60% of small businesses that suffer a cyber-attack go out of business in less than a year, according to the National Cybersecurity Alliance.

To keep small businesses and consumers protected, the AG’s Office encourages Hoosiers to follow these tips:

  • Train employees in security principles: Establish basic security practices and policies for employees, such as requiring strong passwords.
  • Passwords and authentication: Require employees to use unique passwords and change passwords regularly. Consider implementing multi-factor authentication that requires additional information beyond a password to gain entry.
  • Protect information, computers, and networks from cyber-attacks: Having the latest security software, web browsers and operating systems are the best defenses against viruses, malware and other online threats.
  • Provide firewall security for your Internet connection: Firewalls can prevent outsiders from accessing data on a private network.
  • Make regular backup copies of important business data and information.
  • Secure Wi-Fi networks: If you have a Wi-Fi network for your workplace, make sure it is secure, encrypted, and hidden.
  • Employ best practices on payment cards: Work with banks or processors to ensure the most trusted and validated tools and anti-fraud services are being used.

The AG’s Office is responsible for enforcing the Disclosure of Security Breach law to better protect Hoosiers from identity theft. If a business has a breach, they are required to inform their customers that their personal information in jeopardy, the news release says.

If you believe you are a victim of a security breach, fill out the Indiana Data Breach Notification Form online at indianaconsumer.com and email it to [email protected].

For more information, visit indianaconsumer.com or call 800-382-5516.