League of Women Voters: Civic participation important, fulfilling

Are you looking for more fun in life?

Entertainment, achievement, continuous learning, fellowship, a sense of purpose, a feeling of accomplishment. Civic participation offers all of these and more.

Civic participation keeps our communities vibrant, healthy and strong when all elements of a community work together consistently. Civic participation encompasses political and non-political civic activities, industry, business groups, local government, for-profit and non-profit organizations, paid employees, volunteers, and community residents. Activities and events include arts, community and family life, education, the economy, environment, health, politics, and more.

Civic participation, at all levels, has abundant benefits for individuals and the community.

Personal benefits include improved physical, mental, social, and emotional health, and well-being. Studies report that active involvement with a worthy cause can increase life satisfaction, relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and lower the risk of cognitive impairment. Civic participation also creates opportunities to use and expand our leadership skills and professional network and can open doors to advance our careers.

Community benefits include shaping priorities and making decisions that help the majority and underserved people in our communities. Building relationships, sharing information and resources, and involving all stakeholders expands our perspective when considering solutions and options that enrich our community.

When deciding how to start or increase your civic participation, talk with people who are civically engaged, review the upcoming events section of local media publications, visit organization websites, and call a contact person if you want more information. Local groups and organizations can supply guidance and resources for specific ways to get involved.

There are infinite civic participation opportunities. We can be involved for an hour or many hours at one event or several. We can donate money and goods and share our knowledge and skills. All contributions are valuable and appreciated. Volunteering, getting involved in government, and advocacy are three major ways to be civically involved.

Volunteer — Johnson County’s nonprofit and service organizations, county and municipal government, and schools welcome and depend on volunteers to fulfill their mission. Many organizations have service and community education projects that rely on volunteers. Volunteering includes attending meetings, local events and festivals, and shopping locally.

Get involved with government — this includes voting, helping at election sites, being a candidate, supporting candidates, joining a political party, and attending county, township, and municipal meetings.

Advocacy — this involves writing letters to the editor, communicating with your legislators, county, township, and municipal leaders, and building coalitions to solve problems. Look at all perspectives on an issue before deciding what issues to support or oppose.

Stay informed — reading reliable information is essential. Subscribe to and read monthly updates provided by local nonprofit organizations, municipal entities, businesses and political parties. The Daily Journal delivers robust information about elections, county issues, and events.

This Thanksgiving and always, the League of Women Voters of Johnson County is grateful for the residents, county and municipal leaders, candidates, businesses and nonprofit organizations who support and encourage Civic Participation — the key to keeping democracy alive, healthy and strong.

League of Women Voters of Johnson County member Mary Kooi wrote this column. The League’s mission is to empower voters and defend democracy. All League-sponsored work is strictly nonpartisan. For more information visit lwvjcin.org. Send comments to [email protected].