Janet Hommel Mangas: A seat at the table

I was having lunch and talking to a 20-something young woman last week about FOMO — fear of missing out.

We discussed how whether one is 20, 40, 60 or 80, it is quite normal to feel uncomfortable when we aren’t invited to a table we desire to be at. Regardless of whether we want to lead or sit at the table to observe and learn, every table is not a good fit for every person. Or maybe it’s a great fit, but the timing doesn’t work out — yet.

The young woman sighed and said, “A lot of little ‘no’s’ can lead to a much bigger ‘yes.’ Many closed doors can lead you down the right path — or hallway.”

This astute young woman had this older-woman reminiscing on the many times (when I was a younger me) that I pouted, envied or tried to edge my way in because I wasn’t invited to the table I thought was mine. I also recalled the times I hesitantly, yet confidently, said “No thank you” to leadership invitations that were set in beautifully arranged China table-settings, but weren’t the right timing for my life.

A stray cat showed up on Thanksgiving — a few of the kids were opening the back screen door to run inside, when the feline tried to follow them in. The Hubby, seated around the fire-pit outside, noticed the uninvited guest ready to pounce inside, which is when he yelled to his nieces and nephews, “Hey, that’s not our cat, don’t let him in the house.” We obviously didn’t want the cute tabby to jump up on the Thanksgiving table.

For the past week, the tabby has come to the back porch for a little snack. I suppose I’ve officially invited him/her to the back porch table as I’ve added “cat food” to my grocery list. On cold Monday mornings, my 19-month-old grandson watches the “kitty” eat from the back door — they often lock eyes in delight.

King David, as a young shepherd fought lions and wolves to protect his flock of sheep penned in Psalm 37:4: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

Psalm 20:4: “May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill your whole plan!“

Like the little cat — just be patient.

Janet Hommel Mangas grew up on the east side of Greenwood. The Center Grove area resident and her husband are the parents of three daughters. Send comments to [email protected].