More letters to Santa from local students

Editor’s note: Due to a technological issue, a class was left out of the Dec. 2 special section of Letters to Santa. The letters were submitted before the deadline, so we are making it right for the students who made the effort to share these letters. Thanks to everyone who submitted letters this year.

Break-O-Day Elementary

Second grade Megan Kincaid

Dear Santa,

How are your elfs. I want a slime. Is it cood? I help my mom with my bedroom floor. I help my and dad with stuf.

Love, Rosetta

Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the elyez? How are the reindeer? The North pole is good? I want Macup.

Love, Lillee

Dear Santa,

I hope your elfs are dowing good making toys. Why do always wear red? And red is my favotit color.

Love, Jaxoh

Dear Santa,

Hi santa. Do you like cookeies? How are your elves? Can I have a Baby Puppy and do your reindeer like carrats? Happy Christmas Santa!

Love, Arthur

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I wunt a computer, a laundry set, a new babdydoll wif a bed, a pretene makeup for my dolls, a cleaning set. Santa you’re the best. You make me smile all the time. Happy Christmas Santa. How ar your elves. The End.

Love, Aria

Dear Santa,

Are the elfs ok? Im sure they are ok. What about Roudalf? Is the North pole cold? I know there is snow. How much plus I want a Nintendo switch. Cetch you up later.

Love, Raunak Preet

Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the e;fs? Are you feeling well? I want a hover Bord. I hope you are feeling well.

Love, Cameron

Dear Santa,

I hope you and the elves are getting ready for Christmas! I woud like a boxing bag. I will have cookies waiting on Christmas Eve.

Love, Isiah

Dear Santa,

Has anyone ever rode on your sleigh? What things do kids ask for? How do you know which toys go to which house? Can everyone be Santa? For Christmas I want a purse!

Love, Ellie

Dear Santa,

I hope you are doing well! Are the reindeer good? How cold is it in the north pole? I can’t wait for Christmas! I have been a good boy. I would like a huggy wuggy, minecraft, five nights at Freddys and mysingaling mosters.

Love, Lincoln

Dear Santa,

How is your day? I have a question. How do you go down a chimney? What if they don’t have a chimney? I want a life as a horse.

Love, Alexis

Dear Santa,

How are you doing in the north pole? I bet it’s cool. And also how is it riding a sled with flying reindeer? And the things I want for Christmas is loona petbots, cosmo robot, dear Santa book.

Love, Param

Dear Santa,

I have ben wondering if my elfs are ok? For Crismis I wut a video game. It’s calld Parte Animals. I all so wut a kittin. Ples and thack you santa. I hop you have a good day.

Love, Xander

Dear Santa,

What are you doing in the north pole and how many elfs do you have? Can I have a rino in your slay? Can I have beautiful gifts too? Plese and thank you santa. And how many reindeer do you have? Thank you Santa.

Love, Pyheef

Dear Santa,

Hey Santa. I bet you remember me Addy. It just got coled up here my hair is amost a popsicle. Hey can you give me Mises class cookie resepy.

Love, Addy

Dear Santa,

I love you all. U doo seen tal. How your elvees been? I wut for Christmas is a robot dog! Love u.

Love, Vayda

Dear Santa,

I hope your elves are doing there best and you to santa. I hope you have a good Christmas nigtit. Thank you, Santa for the presints to.

Love, Tatum

Dear Santa,

How are you doing? Can you please give me loroblox gift cards, legos, and RedsuRettx. I promise. Thank you. Merry Christmas.

Love, Gurnoor

Dear Santa,

How do you make so mir presits? How do your reindeer fly? What is your fivorit cookie? How old are you?

Love, Bryce

Dear Santa,

So Santa how are your good elffs doing? Good or bad? But I want a mr. beast plush.

Love, Matt