Letter to the Editor: Virtual education vital to learning success

To the Editor:

I graduated from Indiana Digital Learning School in May 2023 and am now completing my first semester at IUPUI. I also have dyslexia. My experience in virtual education led me to excel on Indiana’s ILEARN exams and earn 18 college credits while still in high school. It also prepared me for my transition to college life and for a successful future.

Virtual education provides many benefits over traditional public schools for students with dyslexia. One benefit is that classroom lectures are recorded. Many students with dyslexia struggle to take notes and listen to a lecture at the same time. With recorded lectures, I was able to learn in a way that made sense to me.

For students with dyslexia, having access to assistive technology is critical. A virtual platform has this accessibility built in.

Students with dyslexia often have ADHD. Virtual education limits distractions, allowing the student to concentrate and learn in a comfortable environment.

Virtual education is a proven option for students of all learning styles. Without virtual education, my outcome would likely have been different than it is today. As our state legislators grapple with whether to fund virtual schools equitably, they need to remember that all children learn differently. We should support education options that allow all students to reach their potential.

Caleb Clemens
