AG: Hoosiers should be aware of cyber kidnapping schemes

Attorney General Todd Rokita is warning Hoosiers to be aware of false ransom threats.

Cyber kidnapping occurs when a person is tricked into thinking someone they know has been threatened with death or violence. The scam asks the person to pay a ransom fee to free the alleged kidnapped person, according to a news release from the Indiana Attorney General’s Office.

To pull off these scams, cyber kidnappers typically obtain a photo of the alleged victim alone in a secluded area. They use the “worrisome” photos to create the illusion that an individual has been kidnapped, officials say. After family members receive the information, they are asked to wire ransom money immediately.

The crime often occurs when family members are unable to track the location of the person, contact them or verify their safety.

These cases are extremely difficult to investigate since the calls typically come from outside of the country, according to the FBI.

Rokita’s office suggests being aware of calls that come from an outside area code, calls that do not come from the alleged victim’s phone, callers who go to great lengths to keep you on the phone and beware of ransom money that is only accepted via wire transfer service.

Rokita said Hoosiers should consider the following if they end up in that situation:

  • Slow the situation down and request to speak to the victim directly;
  • If the caller won’t get the victim on the phone, ask them to describe the victim or the vehicle the victim drives, if applicable;
  • Listen carefully to the voice of the victim, if they speak;
  • Attempt to call, text or contact the alleged victim via social media. Request that the victim call back from his or her cell phone;
  • While on the phone with the alleged kidnappers, try to call the alleged kidnap victim from another phone;
  • To buy time, repeat the caller’s request and tell them you are writing down the demand or that you need additional time to meet their demands;
  • Request the alleged kidnapper allow the victim to call you back from their cell phone;
  • At the earliest opportunity, notify local police.