Greenwood plans open house for comprehensive plan update

A community open house is planned as the process to update Greenwood’s comprehensive plan continues.

The Big Ideas Community Open House will take place from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Feb. 29 inside Community Rooms A & B at the Greenwood Public Library, 310 S. Meridian St. The goal of the public open house is to determine if officials are moving in the right direction with feedback gathered during the comprehensive plan update, said Adam Peaper, a project manager for HWC Engineering.

Greenwood officials are creating a new comprehensive plan, documents that will guide development and growth in the city for the next 10 to 20 years. The full plan was last updated in 2007, and while there have been some smaller updates since then, it does not account for all of the growth the city has seen over the last 20 years.

The updated plan addresses the city’s “Four Pillars” — public safety, infrastructure, economic development and quality of life. It will also prioritize the eastern corridor of the city’s sustained expansion, reinvestment in long-established areas and look at the future of the city’s southwest corner.

A summary video will be posted online at for those who are unable to attend the open house. A Big Ideas Survey will also go live for feedback on March 1.