Letter to the Editor: Response to Pro-Coal Letter

To the Editor:

I am writing in response to a recent letter advocating for continued reliance on coal as a primary energy source for Indiana. While I hear the concerns about reliability, Indiana’s energy future is undoubtedly the transition to clean energy sources, which have consistently been proven to be cheaper, safer, and just as (or more) reliable than dirty, polluting coal.

Coal’s legacy is undeniable but its time is over. It powered our state for generations; however, clinging to the past comes at a steep cost. Coal has consistently been proven to be a major contributor to air and water pollution, greatly harming our health and environment. Hoosiers who live in the shadow of Indiana’s coal and gas plants know all too well the damage that coal has already done to our air and water quality.

Fortunately, the transition to clean energy is not just environmentally responsible – it’s economically beneficial. Indiana is well-positioned to become a leader in renewable energy. We have abundant sunshine for solar power and wind resources waiting to be harnessed. Investing in clean energy creates thousands of new jobs in manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. A recent study found that clean energy jobs are growing far faster than jobs in legacy energy sectors. Perhaps most importantly to the average consumer, clean energy lowers utility energy bills compared to maintaining the status quo of dirty, polluting fossil fuels.

Like any massive change of accepted societal norms, the transition to clean energy isn’t happening overnight, but it’s necessary and urgent for a healthier Indiana. By embracing innovation and investing in a clean energy future, we are ensuring a brighter tomorrow for our state, our environment, and our children. Dirty, polluting coal and gas should stay in the ground and in the past.

Joey Myles
