Tawfeeq named Democratic nominee for Johnson County Council

The Johnson County Democrats have named their nominee to replace Charrie Stambaugh on the fall ballot.

On Tuesday party chair Amanda Stevenson-Holmes filed paperwork to appoint Saad Tawfeeq as the third Democratic candidate for Johnson County Council at-large. Stambaugh announced she would step down as one of the three Democratic nominees on May 17, after she accepted a full-time position with Dr. Valerie McCray’s U.S. Senate campaign.

Tawfeeq, a 35-year-old Greenwood man who emigrated to the U.S. from Iraq, ran in the Democratic primary but finished a distant fourth with 857 votes. With Stambaugh’s resignation, he gets another shot at the office.

In the fall, Johnson County voters will have six candidates to choose from for county council.

Tawfeeq joins fellow Democrats Blythe Potter and Michael Chiapetta on the ballot, along with Republicans Ron Bates, Michele Ann Graves and Melinda Griesemer.

Griesemer is the only incumbent in the running.