Greenwood earns high marks in resiliency report

Things are looking good for Greenwood government-wise, a recent report says.

The city of Greenwood commissioned a resiliency report, a 42-page document which provides stakeholders and investors, including residents, a better understanding of the city’s strategy toward long-term stability. It also provides insight into the city’s assessment of risks, risk mitigation and planning to support a sustainable community, said Susan Reed, managing director of Baker Tilly, the firm that compiled the report for the city. Baker Tilly staff presented a summarized version of the report’s findings to the city council on June 17.

Greenwood is the first city Baker Tilly has done a resiliency report for, Reed said. For the report, they interviewed city department heads and staff, including Mayor Mark Myers, the police and fire chiefs, the parks director and more, she said.

“We really thought that it created a great understanding of all things that really make the city strong and it helps to capture things will be a great example for other cities moving forward,” Reed said.

Three topic areas were the focus of the report — resilient government, creating a resilient environment and building a resilient community.

Resilient government

For government resiliency, financial transparency, employee training and safety, resiliency planning, risk mitigation, stormwater and parks plans and more were analyzed.

The city has initiatives promoting financial transparency like having a finance department webpage with financial reports and other information for residents and stakeholders. They also have an interactive financial transparency portal, according to the report.

“Investors are very focused on fiscal transparency and Greenwood has implemented some excellent best practices from the Government Finance Officers Association, and has worked with the council to provide the council, as well as the community as a whole, with easy access to this information about the city’s financial position and its health,” Reed said.

The city’s human resource department also works hard to make sure employees are training and that safety standards are enforced, she said.

In terms of planning, information was provided about city’s zoning and comprehensive plan update. The city also utilizes GIS, or Geographic Information System, mapping, with maps available for the public online.

City officials also actively work to mitigate risks of all types, including natural disasters, cybersecurity, conflicts of interest and more, the report shows.

Creating a resilient environment

Resilient environments involves risk mitigation and green space mitigation efforts, along with green infrastructure development, said Rachel Westervelt, a manager at Baker Tilly.

Green spaces include parks and trails too, which are abundant in Greenwood. There are nearly 400 acres of park space across 17 city parks, and more than 50 linear miles of multi-use trails and walkaways, according to the report.

The Central Indiana Regional Development Authority, of which the city is a member, has created a climate action plan. Other renewable efforts include utilizing renewable energy resources at city facilities to reduce its carbon footprint.

For example, the fieldhouse, community center, streetlights and stoplights all have LED lighting. The Department of Public Works has a variable HVAC system, which provides better air quality and reduces energy consumption, and the city’s fire stations are use geothermal energy, the report shows.

City officials have also recognized that the use of electric vehicles will continue to increase in the community, and that this will necessitate an increase of infrastructure to support the change. There are currently 16 charging stations within city limits, the report shows.

Roundabout development is also considered an environmentally-friendly action. Along with reducing traffic congestion and stoppage, they can also reduce greenhouse gas emission and air pollution, according to the report.

Other city initiatives include Greenwood Goes Green, which helps to educate residents and businesses about creating a healthy, vibrant and connected community, have a city employee sustainability policy, air filtration systems at the City Center and recycling services, the report says.

Building a resilient community

Community resiliency focuses on how a community responds, adapts and recovers from social challenges and disruptions. Resiliency efforts are designed to instill “strong social connections,” foster inclusivity and ensure the welling being of residents, according to the report.

Greenwood officials have done all of these things, the report says.

“… To build a resilient community, Greenwood has created initiatives and opportunities to support residents and create a high quality of life,” Westervelt said.

The city has prioritized public safety and worked to grow its police and fire departments, the report says. After the 2022 mall shooting, the police department created an after action report and used information from the report to better prepare the department for future incidents.

Greenwood Police has also worked to certify all of its officers in crisis intervention, a type of mental health response training. After racist and homophobic text messages from five officers became public last year, the department paid for a racial profiling study, which found that there was little to no evidence of bias against people of color. Four of the five officers resigned, and another was fired, the report said.

Community engagement efforts by the department include school programs and community events, the report says. The fire department does this as well, along with posting on social media.

Greenwood Fire has prioritized training and maximized its resources. They’ve also worked to support mental health needs and developed a mobile integrated health program, proactively responding and supporting residents after accidents, according to the report.

Other areas of this report section include having community recreational facilities, working with local businesses and other organizations for community and economic development, working with organizations to combat addiction and maximizing funding for local street improvements. Additionally, they also provide support to city employees, the report says.

The report concludes by saying the city is focused on the issues highlighted, and continues to evaluate policies and practices, its delivery of services to the community and plan for the future.

To read the full report, go to