Correction: Peoga Parade is Thursday

A correction is needed for a story titled, “Communities bursting with activities for the Fourth of July,” which was published in the Go! section of the June 27 edition of the Daily Journal.

The story contained a typo that said the Peoga Parade was on Tuesday, July 2. It is actually set for Thursday. All other details for the event are correct.

The Daily Journal is sharing the corrected listing in its entirety:

Peoga Parade

Details: 2 p.m. Thursday, Peoga. Lineup begins at 12:30 p.m. at Small Town Market, 8639 S. CR 250 W., Trafalgar

What: The community of Peoga, located in the southwest corner of Johnson County, may be tiny on the map. But the people who call it home think big when it comes to parties. The Peoga Parade is a fun tradition that celebrates the patriotic spirit of the community, and features local marching bands, floats from civic organizations, political leaders and others.