Michelle Davis: Confronting illegal immigration challenges

Illegal immigration isn’t just a border-state issue. It is affecting communities right here in Johnson County.

I’ve held two town halls on this subject and heard from constituents about how this is impacting our local schools, businesses and communities. These concerns underscore the need to address this matter comprehensively at the local, state and national levels.

In Johnson County, we see the strain illegal immigration has on schools. The number of English Language Learner students in Greenwood and Clark-Pleasant schools has more than doubled in the last five years. This increase has required additional staff and resources, challenging our schools and educators, who have an obligation to the families here who pay taxes and work in our communities.

Not only does this impact our school systems, but it is also detrimental to the economy by stretching resources and services thin without the needed tax base to support the changes. This includes our hospitals and medical providers, who treat illegal immigrants at their own expense. Constituents also expressed concern about blue-collar workers losing job opportunities to migrants who provide cheap labor.

Indiana has taken some steps to address these issues. During the 2024 legislative session, we passed Senate Enrolled Act 181. Effective July 1, the new law allows the Indiana attorney general to file suit against local units of government and universities that fail to uphold the state law banning sanctuary cities.

While Indiana is taking action, the burden of addressing illegal immigration should fall on the federal government. However, the Biden Administration’s handling of this issue has been catastrophic, leaving states to fend for themselves.

The rescission of the Trump-era Title 42 policy and failure to secure the southern border has led to increased crime across the nation. From the murder of Laken Riley on the campus of the University of Georgia to the recent attack on a 13-year-old girl in New York, we cannot afford inaction. That is why states like Indiana have started to take bold actions on this issue, including deploying National Guardsmen to the Texas border.

We must also support legal immigrants who contribute positively to our society. Welcoming those who have gone through the process to come here the right way is important. The issue is those who circumvent the law and hurt our communities.

I remain committed to working on the state level and with our federal counterparts to help address illegal immigration and acting as your voice at the Statehouse. I encourage constituents to stay engaged and attend future town halls. By staying informed and involved, we can work together to protect our communities and ensure fair and thriving businesses, job markets and schools.

To share any concerns or questions, my office can be reached at in.gov/h58 or by calling 317-232-9600.

Michelle Davis, R-Whiteland, represents Indiana House District 58. Her district includes all of Clark Township and most of Pleasant Township. Davis is one of several Johnson County representatives who will share in writing a column for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].