Share your cancer story

For years, we have taken special care and time with stories about the women, men and families who are dealt a cancer diagnosis.

We’ve talked to patients who survived, loved ones of those who didn’t, doctors who are working to improve care and nurse navigators who are at the sides of patients through the entire process.

We are doing all of that again this year in the Brave Hearts special section that will publish in October.

Brave Hearts includes stories about people of any age facing or recovering from any kind of cancer diagnosis.

We want to talk to men and women who are facing a diagnosis, survivors, family members — husbands, wives, sisters, brothers and children — who have gone on the journey with a loved one, and nurses and doctors who are on the front lines caring for people with the disease. The stories let others know they are not alone. That can be life-affirming.

Are you a cancer survivor? Do you know a doctor or nurse whose life’s work is caring for cancer patients? How has cancer impacted your life?

Let us know so we can tell your story. Call 317-736-2727 or email [email protected].