GPL Column: Experience the library like a kid again

When I was a teacher, it was common for the school district to have scheduled professional development days just for staff. And boy did the students love to tease me about those.

Comments like “You have to go to school tomorrow!” or “Enjoy your day WORKING tomorrow!” were predictable. But my response (in jest) was usually the same: “This place is a blast when all of you students are gone!”

Now I was kidding, of course, but I would be lying to say there wasn’t a trace of truth in the joke. Those professional development days were incredibly productive for me in that I finally had time to complete tasks that were typically interrupted during the school day.

The administration also often led staff through silly icebreaker activities to connect those of us who taught on opposite sides of the building. I wasn’t wrong — those days could be a blast. They rejuvenated us, reminded us why we loved teaching and left us with a little more pep for the next scheduled school day.

At Greenwood Public Library, it is rare for us to see parents of young children at the library without their children. That makes sense — our community has recognized the value of literacy in even a baby’s life, and so parents are taking advantage of bringing their children in for a visit. But just like those school professional development days, adults-only visits to the library can be fun and productive. So we’ve set aside one evening just for that.

On Friday, Aug. 16, GPL is hosting our third annual “Library After Dark” event. This evening gives adults 21 and older the opportunity to experience the library as kids again.

I don’t just mean skipping through bookshelves and checking out books (although that is completely allowed!) These four hours of fun will include some fan favorites from our previous adult nights, such as professional laser tag, mini golf, LEGO building with a local Indy LUG LEGO Masters group, life-size games, a craft in our Studio and a collaborative art project.

But there will also be new additions that will ensure an exciting night: a silent disco room, a retro photo booth, axe throwing, an escape room and a constantly-running board game room run by our friends at Faraday Toys. Smash Daddy Burgers and Earl B’s will have food trucks in the parking lot for late-night cravings, and Hoosier Brewing and Mallow Run will be on-site selling adult beverages. This is the date night or the catch-up-with-your-friends night that will have you smiling all night long.

If you need an excuse to make time for fun, just look to science. Seattle’s Gottman Research Institute published findings that people having fun improved their relationships with spouses, family and friends. Playful activities helped to build trust and develop communication. It allowed people to connect.

The British Cohort Study in essence found that playing makes us smarter. Extended periods of fun improve memory and concentration as well as increase language skills and math proficiency.

And I don’t think we can deny that having fun helps take away stress. It is known to naturally balance our hormones and give us a boost of vitality.

So clear out your schedule on from 6 to 10 p.m. Aug. 16 and make time to play in the library with your family or friends. Visit GPL’s website at to learn more and purchase tickets. The four hours of fun will be good for you!

As a bonus, all proceeds from this event will go to the Greenwood Library Foundation; our foundation raises money to fund 100% of the library’s programs (such as Library After Dark.) What could be better than having fun AND helping the library fund programs?

George Bernard Shaw once said “We don’t stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.” Let’s stay young and keep playing!

Julia Reynolds is the community relations specialist at Greenwood Public Library. GPL staff members share in writing this twice-monthly column for the Daily Journal. Send comments to [email protected].