League of Women Voters look to the future

Participants from this year’s League of Women Voters of Johnson County planning retreat had thoughts to share.

Asked to describe the event, their comments were varied: fun, educational, energizing, thought provoking.

The League of Women Voters of Johnson Count, which was recognized in 2022, started its third year with a planning and relationship building retreat. Bonnie Pribush facilitated activities giving the participants an opportunity to see everyone’s work styles, skills, and strengths.

“We experienced a lot of affirmation and celebration balanced with ways to develop achievable priorities and goals,” said Jan Van Dyke, LWVJC treasurer

LWVJC’s core values were adroitly woven into all the activities. For Mary Kooi, secretary and voter services co-chair, the collaboration activity was the most powerful experience of the day. The solution required everyone to share separate bits of information and develop a tool to link the information for a solution, she said.

The 2024 general election is LWVJC’s immediate priority. The group’s activities support the League of Women Voter’s mission: “Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.”

“We are collaborating with several Johnson County organizations and other local Leagues to host bipartisan candidate information forums, register voters, and encourage citizens to vote,” said Karen Lunsford, LWVJC spokesperson.

The local, state, and national candidates that the public elects will pass laws that directly impact the quality of every aspect of our lives — education, economy, health care, infrastructure, natural environment, public safety, and more. Everyone’s vote is a powerful tool to maintain representative democracy. Visit lwvjcin.org for more information on joining the LWVJC. Everyone is welcome to join.