Fleury helping fuel steady rise of Whiteland girls soccer

Madison Fleury is always going to recall the particulars of her first varsity goal, even though 18 more of her high-speed deliveries have since hit the back of the net.

Special, after all, is in the foot of the beholder.

“It was about halfway through my freshman season against Perry Meridian,” remembers Fleury, now a junior midfielder for Whiteland, which has raced to a 5-1 record entering tonight’s match at Decatur Central.

“It was about 30 yards out, down the middle and over the goalkeeper’s head.”

The match proved to be a win-win for the Warriors, who scored a 5-0 Mid-State Conference decision over the Falcons while also introducing the right foot of the 5-foot, 2-inch Fleury to the rest of the local soccer scene.

In time and through the benefit of hours of skill work designed to make her more ambidextrous — and, thus, more effective both offensively and defensively — Fleury’s left foot has pretty much pulled even.

“She’s worked really hard, and is just as good going left as she is going right,” sixth-year Warriors coach Nick Magdalinos said. “Madison is a soccer junkie, so she’s going to work and work and do what it takes to get better.”

Fleury enters today’s match against the Hawks having already scored six goals this season, including three in a 9-0 shutout of Greenwood Christian and two more in Whiteland’s 8-0 home decision over Lawrence Central.

Tonight’s match ends a well-deserved break for the Warriors, who shoehorned their first six matches into 12 days. Whiteland has outscored its opposition 31-1 to this point, the lone blemish being a 1-0 loss at Plainfield.

Fleury ranks second among Warrior players in goals this season, trailing only freshman forward Kinley Waalkens’ seven, and has a team-high four assists.

“Madison is a high soccer IQ kid, and she just has a motor that never stops,” Magdalinos said. “When you put those two things together, you have a heck of a soccer player.”

Fleury’s soccer journey began at a very young age. She liked it, continued to perfect her craft, and is one of the primary cogs for a program that owns a 26-13-1 record in her three seasons, including a 10-5-1 mark in conference matches.

“I started when I was 3. My mom (Laura) thought it was cute,” Fleury said. “I did try a lot of other sports, but soccer was my thing, I guess. I just like how it’s not like other sports, and stopping all of the time.”

A built-in bonus for Fleury this season has been having her sister Mackenzie, a freshman midfielder, on the team. It’s their first time as teammates since they were in middle school as eighth- and sixth-graders, respectively.

“It’s been fun. There’s only been one dramatic day,” Madison said, laughing.

The elder Fleury is one of three Whiteland captains this season, a role she shares with a pair of seniors — Addison Emberton, the Warriors’ ultra-athletic goalkeeper, and midfielder Alexa LaPorte, owner of 29 goals over the course of her prep career.

It’s a role all three take seriously, adding their own unique spin to practices and matches alike.

“On the field and off the field, I’m trying to be really uplifting,” Fleury said. “I’m generally a happy person, but that’s a role my coach really wants me to take on … just adapting to what other players need.”