Letter to the Editor: If you don’t want to see a ‘gay’ movie — don’t

To the Editor:

“Outcry” is what the Daily Journal took from some concerned citizens over the showing of a film about a gay punk rock singer’s life.

So, we had an “outcry” over a “queer movie” being shown at the Artcraft. Funny, I recall when they wouldn’t consider “Woodstock.”

But back to the outcry of citizens. The Artcraft shows maybe 50 “heterosexual” movies each year yet I can’t recall any gay groups showing “outcry” over them. The Old Guard needs to realize that they are exactly that. The world has changed and shows a lot more empathy and understanding than back in “your day.”

Johnson County’s gay population is probably far greater than any of your persuasion would imagine. Get used to it, and get over it. We can only hide from the rest of the world so long. Make the tent bigger for everyone, not smaller.

If you don’t want to see what you believe to be a “gay” movie, just don’t go.

Leave people alone.

The world is changing. Why, they might even show “Porgy & Bess” someday and raise another outcry from “concerned citizens.”

Do us all a favor; if you’re going to write a rebuttal of some sort could you use some actual facts that can be substantiated instead of a “theory” passed down for 2,000 years that’s yet to have a single thing ever proven?

Yup, people are gettin’ over that too.

Editor’s note: This letter references the Sept. 13 story “Supporters rally around the Artcraft Theatre after online outcry over queer movie.”

Frank Dean
