Johnson County GOP selects Ron Bates in county council caucus

Johnson County’s newest county council member is one already on the ballot for the fall election.

Johnson County GOP precinct committeemen selected Ron Bates to fill a vacant county council position Thursday in a caucus at the Johnson County Fairgrounds in Franklin. Bates was the only candidate who applied within the deadline of 72 hours prior to the caucus and will take the place of John Myers, who recently resigned to become Edinburgh’s town manager. He is also one of six candidates on the ballot this fall for an at-large seat on the council.

“I just want to publicly say we really appreciate (John) and we stated in the letter, John served several terms on the council, and obviously in his career he was also a police officer in the city of Greenwood. So (I) want to thank John for his service to not only the citizens of Greenwood on the police department, but to the county for his terms on the council,” said Beth Boyce, party chair.

Although the official count couldn’t be given because the paperwork had already been filed away Friday, Boyce estimated that there was approximately 75 people in attendance. The vote was open to every eligible precinct committeemen and Bates had to earn a simple majority of the votes. The precinct committeemen voted unanimously to give the position to Bates.

Being sworn in by a judge in attendance Thursday, Bates took office immediately. He will serve until the end of the seat’s term, Dec. 31.

“I’m just overwhelmed. Just like in the primary, I was overwhelmed at at the support from all over the county, and for all of you,” Bates said in a short speech Thursday. “… It’s a privilege to be here and to be a part of this organization, and it’s a privilege to try to be of service to you and to really represent you.”

Myers did not file for reelection this year, as the seat is one of three on the ballot. Three Democrats and three Republicans — including Bates — are vying for the three seats. Being caucused in gives Bates the opportunity to assume a position on the council from prior to the Nov. 5 general election through through December.

After Bates won the seat, he said he was “privileged” and “honored” to take on the role.

“There were 50 plus probably PCs here and and, you know, (it) seemed like everybody was on board and showed their support, taking time out of their busy life,” he said.

He said his current goals are to do “as well as anyone else has done” while also maybe coming up with new ideas and concepts. He also wants to get acclimated to “the political arena” first.

This isn’t Bates’ first rodeo when it comes to local government or public service. He served on the Greenwood City Council for 16 years, alongside his career as an educator. As a county council candidate, his priorities include being attentive at meetings and to the needs of the county, supporting public safety with funding and resources, maintaining a “conservative and balanced budget” to keep taxes low and making sure the highway department has needed resources to service county roads, according to his campaign website.

Bates is most excited about the opportunity to give input as a council member, he said.

After the term ends, the three candidates with the most votes in the general election will assume the at-large positions.