Franklin College board votes in new trustee

The Franklin College Board of Trustees voted in a new member recently.

Illene (Jaynes) Roggensack, a Class of 1982 graduate and accomplished entrepreneur, has been elected to the board of trustees, according to the college.

Roggensack brings extensive experience in “organizational excellence” to the board. She is the president of Third Sector Innovations, based in her hometown of Littleton, Colorado. Over the last 24 years, she has served as a business owner, nonprofit executive director, community board member and consultant, frequently sought for her expertise and leadership, according to the college.

She holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Georgia and a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Franklin College. Additionally, Roggensack holds the Certified Fund Raising Executive designation from the Association of Fundraising Professionals. A dedicated community volunteer, Roggensack is a past president of the Colorado Nonprofit Association, Citizen Action for Colorado Nonprofits and Grand Junction Lions Club, according to the college.

“We are pleased to welcome Illene to the board. Her successful background in both the nonprofit and business sectors will bring fresh insights to the board as we continue to pursue the ambitious goals of our strategic plan,” Franklin College President Kerry N. Prather said in a statement on her appointment. “I look forward to working with Illene as we carry out the important work that ensures a successful and prosperous future for Franklin College.”

Roggensack’s experience as an undergraduate was profoundly transformative, and her sense of gratitude drives her to give back, she said in a statement.

“I am a true believer in Franklin College, and being a trustee provides a way to put sentiment into action,” she said. “As the college approaches its 200th year, I want to contribute to an anniversary celebration that fittingly honors this significant achievement, in a way that instills pride and a sense of belonging for all who are part of the Franklin College legacy.”

Prior to Roggensack’s election to the board, she served on the Alumni Council and has been a generous donor to the College. She is particularly proud that her family legacy of Franklin College graduates is furthered by a niece, Taylor Heideman, Class of 2017, and a nephew, A.J. Barner, Class of 2017, according to the college.