Expert to speak

<p><span>A financial expert will speak about strategic planning and business strategy at Crane Credit Union in Franklin <span class="aBn"><span class="aQJ">on Wednesday</span></span>.</span></p>
<p><span>Cindy Allen-Stuckey will discuss the challenges in transforming a long-range strategic plan into daily actions.</span></p>
<p><span>Doors open <a>at <span class="aBn"><span class="aQJ">9 a.m.</span></span></a> The talk will be from <a><span class="aBn"><span class="aQJ">9:15 to 10:15 a.m.</span></span></a> and will include a light breakfast. The event is free to and open to the public.</span></p>
<p><span>A group of experts will speak to business professionals and the public on the first <span class="aBn"><span class="aQJ">Wednesday</span></span> of every month. The programs are sponsored by Crane Credit Union and feature topics, such as business strategy, employee mentoring, networking secrets and inter-generational issues.</span></p>
<p><span>Registration is required at <a href=""></a>.</span></p>