Scoop: Q and A: Radium Girls at Whiteland

<strong>Daily Journal staff reports</strong>

Local high school thespians are exploring a true story for their fall play.

Whiteland Community High School will present “Radium Girls” at the school later this month.

Director Raenell Smith tells you what you need to know about the show.

<strong>When and where is the show?</strong>

The fall play “Radium Girls” will be at the Whiteland Community High School Auditorium at 7 p.m. Sept. 23 and 24 and at 2:30 p.m. Sept. 25.

<strong>How much are tickets?</strong>

All tickets are $7.

<strong>What is the show about?</strong>

‘Radium Girls” is a show about the real “Radium Girls,” young ladies who were employed at the U.S. Radium Corp. in New Jersey painting luminous dials on watches with the latest rage in the science world, radium. Many of these young ladies became ill and eventually died horrific deaths due to radium poisoning, and because of this they decided to seek compensation from the corporation. This is the catalyst for workers’ rights and consumer advocates in the United States.

<strong>Why did you choose this show?</strong>

In the cycle of plays we traditionally follow to expose students over a high school career to a variety of theatrical types, a dramatic show is what we were looking for this fall. In addition, we have not done a historical show, and this show, with its complexity of characters and depth of meaning, was just the perfect show at the right time.

<strong>What do you want student thespians to get from the show?</strong>

Student thespians should not only gain a memorable experience and a greater working knowledge of the theater, but a deeper empathy and understanding of the struggle of others.

<strong>How are the students preparing for their roles?</strong>

Students are participating in rehearsal, doing historical research, keeping acting journals, memorizing lines and doing other forms of acting preparation.

<strong>What do you want audiences to get from the show?</strong>

We would like the audience to leave with an understanding of the historical significance of the period and an appreciation of all the hard work and dedication our students have put into this true to life dramatization.

<strong>What are the major themes in the play?</strong>

A few of the major themes of “Radium Girls” include corporate greed, obsession with health and the commercialization of science.

<strong>How many students are involved?</strong>

There are 15 student actors, two stage managers, one assistant stage manager, three crew heads, and approximately six to eight crew members.