Clown sighting reported in Edinburgh

More police officers are being sent to patrol an Edinburgh neighborhood after a man spotted a clown walking the area Thursday night.

The man heard someone knock on a window of his home in the Applewood Mobile Home Community around 11 p.m. and went outside to check it out.

He didn’t see anyone near the window, but as he came around the side of his home, he spotted a person dressed as a clown, according to the report from the Edinburgh Police Department.

The person had red curly hair, with a white-painted face and a red smile, the report said.

The clown continued walking along Prosser Drive, the report said.

An officer walked the entire neighborhood, and did not see anyone dressed as a clown, the report said.

Edinburgh police have added extra nighttime patrols in the neighborhood.

Police have no indication the person committed a crime or planned to commit a crime and don’t believe anyone is in danger, Edinburgh Police Chief David Mann said.

"It’s odd, but it’s not illegal to dress up like a clown," Mann said.

The person could be a copycat of other similar reports around the country, or could be dressing up early for Halloween, Mann said.

Across the nation, multiple incidents involving people dressed as clowns have been reported to police, including one at the University of Akron in Ohio earlier this week.

People across the country have been reporting sightings of menacing “killer clowns” attempting to scare them in public places such as streets and the edges of woods.

In most cases, police haven’t found the costumed perpetrators.

<em>The Associated Press contributed to this report.</em>