Franklin College to honor Martin Luther King Jr.

For a Franklin College student who will be leading a march to honor the legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Monday will be a chance to reflect on the life of a man she credits with enabling her to have the freedoms she has today.

Taylor McElwain, who is studying psychology and sociology at Franklin College, wanted to become involved in honoring King’s legacy because of the impact his life had on hers and others in the African American community, she said.

"I feel like he broke through a lot of boundaries; he was a great advocate for his community," she said.

A full day of events to honor the legacy of King is planned Monday at Franklin College, including a chapel service, march, convocation lecture and movie. All events are free and open to the public.

"We think it is important to honor the legacy of such a great American hero," Franklin College Director of Diversity and Inclusion Terri Roberts-Leonard said.

The events are for the benefit of the community, as much as they are for the students, she said.

The college wants to make sure everyone in the community has somewhere they can go to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, she said.

"Anytime there is a void in the community, we want to step in and fill that and be that place," Roberts-Leonard said. "We are in a great position to help build that up in the community."

The college has also set up a way for students to give back to the community in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

About 200 students and faculty will be going to 15 locations in Franklin to do service projects on Monday morning with organizations such as Humane Society of Johnson County and Lord’s Locker, Franklin College Manager of Engaged Learning Sarah Shroyer said.

"It is a really good representation of Dr. King and his life and legacy to send this many staff, faculty and students out into the community," she said.

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What: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Celebration

Where: Franklin College, <span class="_Xbe">101 Branigin Blvd</span>., Franklin

When: Monday

Cost: All events are free

1 p.m., Chapel Service, Richardson Chapel

3:15 p.m., Commemorative march and rally, starts at gazebo next to Hamilton Library and ends at the Richardson Chapel

4 p.m., Convocation lecture, "Listen, Amplify, Act: The Path of Solidarity," by Rev. Hannah Adair Bonner, Richardson Chapel

7 p.m., Movie showing of "Boycott, Richardson Chapel
