In the newsroom today: Fatal accident, Addicted & Dying series, hear from local athletes

March 5, 2018

Here’s what we are working on in the Daily Journal newsroom today:

<strong>Addicted &amp; Dying.</strong>

<img class="wp-image-695457 size-medium" src="×300.jpg" alt="Jeanette Evans recently lost her son, Tyler Coffey, to a heroin overdose. Scott Roberson / Daily Journal" width="247" height="300" /> Jeanette Evans recently lost her son, Tyler Coffey, to a heroin overdose. Scott Roberson / Daily Journal

We are continuing our series on the opioids epidemic and bring you a mother’s heartache today. Her 23-year-old son had been working to stay clean, and had marked 60 days drug-free. She started to see glimpses of his personality return. Then she found him dead in her garage. Another life taken by heroin.






<strong>Fatal accident.</strong>

Sad news this morning from the southern part of the county. A Nineveh man was killed in a vehicle crash. <a href="">Click here</a> for what we know.

<strong>You might recognize this name.</strong>

<img class="alignleft wp-image-695496 size-medium" src="×300.jpg" alt="Cole Toner photo" width="225" height="300" />Cole Toner was a Roncalli football star and now wears a Chargers jersey. But in the off-season, he spent time in Washington D.C., working for U.S. Senator Todd Young. We explain how the job came to be.





<strong>Keep on grinding.</strong>

Center Grove’s football season usually lasts well into the off-season, meaning a couple of basketball players can’t start working with the team until much later. But that comes with a trade-off well worth it for coach Zach Hahn. Hear what the players have to say:

<strong>Girls, you can lift.</strong>

Meet powerlifting champion Alyssa Hitchcock. She is trying to encourage more women to start incorporating heavier weightlifting into their fitness routines. "Most women are like, ‘I don’t want to get bulky; I don’t want to get big,’" Hitchcock said. "Do I look like a man? I’ve been doing it for 20 years.”

See her in action here: