High school bands, groups earn gold

Winter percussion groups, jazz ensembles and color guards from schools across the county snagged gold in weekend competitions.

The jazz ensemble at Greenwood Community High School performed at the Indiana State School Music Association jazz festival at Whiteland Community High School. The group earned a gold rating in group one.

Multiple jazz bands earned awards at the festival with Jazz Band 1, 2, 3, 4 and Jazz Combo 1, 2, 3 all receiving straight gold ratings at the jazz contest. Jazz Band 3 and Jazz Band 1 scored "With Distinction."

Center Grove’s Jazz Ensemble earned a gold rating, with solo awards going to Noah Smelser, Alex Mroczka and Nathan Rakes.

The A Irish Guard at Greenwood qualified for the Indiana High School Color Guard semi-finals at Mount Vernon High School. Winter guards from Whiteland both performed, but did not earn berths to state.

Center Grove High School’s indoor percussion group earned first place in World Class at the Indiana Percussion Association contest at New Palestine High School.

Whiteland’s winter percussion earned second and Greenwood’s percussion group placed fourth.