Letter: Columnist wrong on stances in gun control

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>In reply to John Krull’s opinion “Protestors overwhelming NRA,” (April 4), I would like to know where he got the information “LaPierre said anyone who doesn’t want mentally ill people to have access to firearms – particularly military weapons – hates America and freedom.”</p>
<p>I spoke with the NRA about his comments, and they, too, wanted to know where he got this information.</p>
<p>First, on the NRA’s website are some of LaPierre’s views on gun control and he has stated his support for the following (not room to cite them all):</p>
<p>• “Increasing funds for a stricter and more efficient mental health system, and reform of civil commitment laws to facilitate institutionalization of the mentally ill when necessary.</p>
<p>• Creating a computerized universal mental health registry of those adjudicated to be incompetent, to help limit gun sales to the mentally ill.”</p>
<p>Second, I would suggest Mr. Krull obtain a copy of Joyce Lee Malcolm’s book “To Keep and Bear Arms.” She is a leading scholar of the Second Amendment. Supreme Court Justice Scalia cited Malcolm three times in his written decision in 2008 on “Heller,” probably the most important gun-rights case in U.S. history recognizing an individual right to possess a firearm.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Shirley Toney</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Franklin</strong></p>