Letter: Braun would work with president for conservative changes

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>There have been a number of TV ads recently trying to separate the three  Republicans in the upcoming primary for U.S. Senate.</p>
<p>Two of them are attorneys who have never practiced. This alone is not a fatal flaw because I am an attorney who has never practiced. Nevertheless, there is only one candidate that has run a successful business, and who knows what it is like to make a payroll. There is only one candidate who has made business decisions on time and on budget. There is only one candidate who will vote to make tax cuts permanent because he understands how small business owners (like me) want to reinvest profits in our community, not Washington D.C.</p>
<p>Our government needs to defend our borders and make immigration a privilege, like my forefathers who came to America legally. Our government needs to balance its budget. We need to reform Social Security based on current life expectancy, not on 1935 life expectancy. We need to get government out of healthcare (let carriers go across state lines), including Planned Parenthood. We need to shrink the size of bureaucracies, starting with the IRS (with a simple tax code, instigate a hiring freeze and combine the IRS with the FBI to collect taxes, not create new regulations!).</p>
<p>We need the leadership of Mike Braun to work with our President and not be part of the resistance to conservative changes!</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>John J. Kloss</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>