2020 construction set to begin in Franklin

<p>The City of Franklin is gearing up to start its 2020 construction projects, which will include a new roundabout, more pedestrian walkways and wrapping up improved gateways into downtown.</p><p>City officials held a public meeting Thursday to review the projects ready for construction in 2020. Residents had the chance to look at photo illustrations of the projects and ask questions.</p><p><strong>South Main Street</strong></p><p>The city’s first plan is to have two gateways into town revamped by the end of the year. One includes a $2.5 million makeover of South Main Street, from Young’s Creek to U.S. 31.</p>[sc:text-divider text-divider-title="Story continues below gallery" ]Click here to purchase photos from this gallery<p>&quot;This is one of the last gateways we have into the city,&quot; Franklin Mayor Steve Barnett said.</p><p>Utility work has begun on South Main Street. Phase one of the road closure will begin April 1, from Champ Ulysses Street to U.S. 31. There is no set date for the end of the first phase, but phase two will begin immediately after, from Young’s Creek to Champ Ulysses, city engineer Mark Richards said.</p><p>The entire project is expected to wrap up at the end of November. Aesthetically, it will look similar to the reconstruction of Jefferson Street and Main Street.</p><p>&quot;It’s a total replacement project just like the other ones,&quot; said Trent Newport, president of Crossroad Engineers, the engineering company overseeing the project. &quot;It’s going to look the same. Matching with the light styles and the walks.&quot;</p><p><strong>Jefferson Street trails and roundabout</strong></p><p>Construction crews will also work on the west gateway into Franklin this spring and summer. This is a combination of two projects that cost a total of $2.8 million.</p><p>The project will include widening and connecting pedestrian walking trails along Jefferson Street, from the fairgrounds to Westview Drive.</p><p>&quot;It will definitely have great connections to the hospital and all those businesses over there now,&quot; Newport said.</p><p>Construction is slated to begin in early spring. That work will be done along the side of Jefferson Street, so no road closures are expected, except for occasional lane closures if workers are close to the street, Newport said.</p><p>A new roundabout is also part of that construction, connecting Westview Drive, State Road 44 and State Road 144, near Custer Baker Intermediate School. The entire intersection will be closed while crews work to get that project done as quickly as possible, Barnett said.</p><p>Roundabout construction is expected to begin this summer and wrap up before the school year starts in August, to avoid complicating school traffic.</p><p>&quot;These two projects (Westview Drive and South Main Street) are those two gateways that are left coming into town that are going to be really pretty when they get done,&quot; Newport said.</p><p><strong>Other projects</strong></p><p>More work to repave alleys in the city will continue this year. The city plans to work on alleys north of Madison Street up to Howe Street, as well as on Johnson and Young streets. This will cost approximately $300,000.</p><p>Additional pedestrian crossing signals will be placed along Jefferson Street at two of the mid-block crossings, and one at Home Avenue.</p><p>The city also hopes to begin work on constructing the new $1.75 million downtown amphitheater and additional parking by the end of the year, but the bulk of that work will wait until 2021, Newport said.</p><p>And Franklin continues to grow, Barnett said.</p><p>&quot;You can’t stop growth,&quot; he said. &quot;It’s the American way, and it just so happens right now that people want to be here.&quot;</p>[sc:pullout-title pullout-title="At a glance" ][sc:pullout-text-begin]<p>Here is a look at construction projects planned for Franklin this year:</p><p><strong>South Main Street rebuild</strong></p><p>Where: South Main Street between Young’s Creek and U.S. 31</p><p>When: April 1 to the end of November</p><p>Cost: $2.5 million</p><p><strong>Jefferson Street trails and Westview roundabout</strong></p><p>Where: West side of Jefferson Street, connecting wider pedestrian walkways that will pass the fairgrounds, the hospital and continue to Westview Drive</p><p>Roundabout: Westview Drive, and State Roads 44 and 144</p><p>When:</p><p>Trails: Early spring. No road closures, but possible lane closures</p><p>Roundabout: May to August</p><p>Cost: $2.8 million combined</p><p><strong>Alley work</strong></p><p>Where: Madison Street up to Howe Street; Johnson and Young streets.</p><p>Cost: About $300,000</p><p><strong>Amphitheater</strong></p><p>Where: 14 acres south of the courthouse near Province Park along Young’s Creek</p><p>When: End of 2020 and early 2021</p><p>Cost: $1.75 million</p>[sc:pullout-text-end]