State opens up vaccine program for homebound Hoosiers

<p>State and county health officials announced last week a vaccine program that will allow the most vulnerable residents to be vaccinated at home.</p><p>The Johnson County Health Department on Thursday joined the state’s Homebound Hoosier vaccination program. The program brings vaccines directly to homebound county residents who have obstacles to getting vaccinated through the regular clinic at Johnson Memorial Hospital.</p><p>The program is jointly organized by Indiana’s Family and Social Services Administration, Department of Homeland Security and Department of Health, with coordination from local public health officials.</p><p>State guidelines say participants in the program must meet current eligibility requirements and must also be physically unable to travel to a vaccine clinic or lack transportation to a clinic. The vaccine is currently available to Hoosiers 60 and older, healthcare workers and first responders.</p><p>Participating emergency medical services providers will bring vaccines to the homebound population using doses and supplies provided by the health department, said Betsy Swearingen, county health department director.</p><p>Local paramedics will arrive at homes in their own vehicle or a health department vehicle, as county agencies did not have a spare ambulance to take out of service for the program, Swearingen said.</p><p>Vaccine providers will register the patient for their second shot while on-site and will stay with the patient for 15 minutes following the vaccine to monitor for adverse reactions, according to state guidelines.</p><p>Hoosiers can register for at-home vaccines through Indiana Area Agencies on Aging. The agency serving Johnson County is CICOA Aging &amp;amp; In-Home Solutions which can be reached at 317-254-5465 or 800-432-2422.</p><p>More than 1,200 Indiana residents have been registered through the Homebound Hoosiers portal as of Friday.</p><p>The rate of in-home vaccinations is expected to increase once vaccination supplies increase in the coming weeks, state officials say.</p>[sc:pullout-title pullout-title="At a glance" ][sc:pullout-text-begin]<p>Homebound Hoosiers</p><p>What: A statewide program, which Johnson County is taking part in, that brings vaccines directly to homebound county residents who have obstacles to getting vaccinated through the regular clinic at Johnson Memorial Hospital.</p><p>Who: The program is jointly offered by Indiana’s Family and Social Services Administration, Department of Homeland Security and Department of Health, with coordination from local public health officials.</p><p>Who can take part: Participants must be physically unable to travel to a vaccine clinic or lack transportation to a clinic. They must also meet current eligibility requirements of being age 60 and older, healthcare workers and first responders.</p><p>How to sign up: Contact CICOA Aging &amp;amp; In-Home Solutions at 317-254-5465 or 800-432-2422.</p>[sc:pullout-text-end]