Man seriously injured during ATV accident

A man driving an ATV was critically injured and remained in the hospital Wednesday after he hit a culvert in a Franklin field.

John Taylor, 48, of Franklin, did not have a pulse when emergency workers arrived at the accident scene in the 3000 block of North Graham Road on Tuesday night. Firefighters revived him, and he was put on a medical helicopter. During the ride to Indianapolis, his heart stopped twice and he was revived, according to a news release from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Taylor was listed in critical at Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital on Wednesday afternoon, according to a hospital spokesman.

Conservation officers are investigating the cause of the accident, the news release said.

Taylor was riding with a friend in the ditch along Graham Road, on the northeast side of Franklin, at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The friend, who was riding behind Taylor on his own ATV, shouted to Taylor that they were coming up to a culvert, but Taylor didn’t hear the warning. Taylor went into the culvert, and the ATV flipped twice, landing on top of him, the release said.

Taylor was being treated for multiple fractured vertebrae and other injuries, the release said.

Taylor was not wearing any safety equipment when the accident happened, the release said.