Railroad crossings work begins

Work this week to fix a Franklin railroad crossing is just the first of many upgrades to multiple crossings in the next few years.

Upgrades to railroad crossings across Johnson County are planned for 2017 and 2018 as part of a plan to run more and faster trains through the county and state.

This week, repairs were being made to the railroad crossing on Graham Road, between Commerce and Arvin drives, and more resurfacing is planned as part of a system-wide upgrade in coming years.

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Railroad crossings are evaluated every year. If they are in bad shape, plans are made to repair them the following year unless the situation is more urgent, Louisville & Indiana Railroad Co. president John Goldman said.

But starting next year, crossings on the line in Franklin will begin receiving upgrades as part of an overhaul of the tracks from Indianapolis to Louisville, Goldman said.

That overhaul was needed after the railroad company received federal approval to allow speeds to go from a maximum of 25 mph to a maximum 40 mph and increase the number of trains that can use the tracks.

A specific timeline isn’t in place, but work in Franklin expected to begin in the next year or two, Goldman said.

The Louisville and Indiana Railroad line crosses through the eastern section of Johnson County. Local officials have raised concerns about the safety of local crossings, especially those marked with only signs, when faster trains come through.

In anticipation of the project, Franklin, Greenwood, Whiteland and Johnson County have received a joint $4.9 million grant to pay for cross arms, flashing lights and signs at 17 railroad crossings in the county. The money for the project will become available in 2020.

Local officials are scheduled to meet with the Indiana Department of Transportation to plan for the grant, Greenwood City Engineer Mark Richards said.