Letter: Voters should keep Ketchum on county council

To the editor:

I’ve been watching the Johnson County Council races with interest. In particular, I’m intrigued by the race for District 1.

Pete Ketchum has served us well for seven years on our county council. Before serving on the county council, Pete served on the Prince’s Lakes Town Council for another 11 years.

Pete Ketchum has outstanding experience serving on fiscal bodies in our county for 18 years!

In 2017, CNN Money listed Johnson County as one of eight counties in the United States which offered the “New American Dream.” Johnson County was chosen in part because of its infrastructure and low taxes.

This was no accident!

By spending hours poring over budgets and studying the needs of county offices, Pete has helped find solutions to fiscal problems, even in the leanest times, while maintaining balanced budgets each year of his service.

In addition to his years of hard work and fiscal conservatism, Pete has an MPA degree – Masters of Public Administration. (The MPA is to the public sector what the MBA is in the business world.)

We need Pete Ketchum’s 18 years of proven fiscal conservatism on our county council.

We need Pete Ketchum’s experience and education on our county council.

We need to reelect Pete Ketchum, and…

Stay. The. Course.

Walter C. Oliver
