Letter: State auditor endorses incumbent for local job

To the editor:

I had just been elected to my second term as Allen County auditor when I first met Pam Burton. She had just been elected Johnson County auditor herself and we were both attending the newly elected official conference conducted by the Indiana State Board of Accounts.

I remember Pam asking a lot of questions and thinking to myself that she would do good job as county auditor because she had a desire to get it right and the humility to ask for help. Pam continued learning and working hard into her first few years as auditor, volunteering to host regional meetings and sitting on committees because she knew it would benefit her ability to better serve her constituents.

In my opinion, Pam Burton has exhibited good judgement and moral integrity while serving the residents of Johnson County and I’m glad she’s willing to continue that service. She is and will continue to be an excellent Johnson County auditor.

Tera Klutz

Auditor, state of Indiana