Clark-Pleasant planning new elementary

As more and more students come to Clark-Pleasant schools, leaders are planning to build a new elementary that would open in 2021.

With Grassy Creek Elementary school at capacity, and more students moving into the district with construction of new subdivisions, Clark-Pleasant needs to expand by adding its sixth elementary school, Superintendent Patrick Spray said.

The school district has planned two community meetings to discuss the next steps in building an elementary for what has long been one of the fastest-growing school districts in the state. About 6,500 students attend Clark-Pleasant schools, and elementary enrollment growth has been projected at about 100 students per year.

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The newest elementary school for Clark-Pleasant schools was Pleasant Crossing Elementary, built nearly 10 years ago. Enrollment has grown by more than 1,000 students since then, Spray said.

“It’s a good thing,” Spray said. “It’s better than being on the other side and having a shrinking enrollment. Growing pains are tough.”

The new school is expected to open for the 2021-2022 school year. Enrollment is projected to grow by about 1,000 students in 10 more years, according to data collected by the district. The entire community will have to go through redistricting after the new building is complete, Spray said.

Many of the plans for the building, such as location and design, are set, Spray said. Now the district will go to the community to explain the proposal and the next steps.

Members of the community can attend a meeting Tuesday evening to learn about the design, overall growth projections, school capacity, the financing structure and tax impact. Residents who attend will also have the opportunity to ask questions and provide ideas, Spray said.

The school picked an architect and construction management firm, and the design of the building may look familiar. As a way to save time and money on design fees, the school will replicate Center Grove’s new elementary school, planned to open next year, Spray said.

“We’re not trying to recreate the wheel, but it’s a good design,” Spray said. “Plus, they can work out all the kinks in construction over there first.”

Center Grove is building a $40 million elementary school that will open in the fall of 2019 off Morgantown Road in the southern portion of White River Township. The 116,000-square-foot school has 45 classrooms, a gymnasium, cafeteria and kitchen, large group instruction room and space for offices and conference rooms for staff.

Clark-Pleasant’s new elementary will be near Worthsville Road and Interstate 65, next to Grassy Creek Elementary and the middle school on the land north of the middle school football field, he said.

The total cost is still being determined but the school is estimated to cost about $30 million, Spray said.

The district can afford to pay for and operate an additional school because other debt is being paid off, Spray said.

“As that debt pays off, we’ll be paying on this new elementary and we’ll increase our overall debt payments,” Spray said.

A new school has been in the works for years, Spray said. Since then, the district has tried to buy time by first turning the former intermediate school into Grassy Creek Elementary and moving sixth grade to the middle school in 2016.

Then, this school year, Clark-Pleasant did a minor redistricting to make space in Grassy Creek by placing students in schools with more room, Spray said. This led to some students attending schools that weren’t as close to their homes.

For the next three years, the district will have to continue to find space for the growing number of students. Portable classrooms are the next step in making space, specifically at Grassy Creek, Spray said.

“We didn’t have to do that this year, but we may have to look at those temporary classrooms for next year and the year following because they are running out of classroom space,” Spray said.

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Clark-Pleasant will conduct two community meetings to discuss the proposal for a new elementary school. Community members can attend to learn about the prototype design and projected community growth and discuss the financial impact.

When: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Where: Grassy Creek Elementary School, 2111 Sheek Road, Greenwood.

Next meeting: Sept. 26
