Hearts & Darts – October 29


I would like to thank Brandon Butler for his recent column (Oct. 20) about early conservationist Ding Darling. We can all be grateful for Darling’s many accomplishments. I appreciate the quotes and comments recognizing half a dozen different affinity groups that today benefit from Darling’s work. I would add two more. Campers and hikers both stand aside hunters, anglers, birders, gardeners, farmers and foresters in gratitude to those who changed public opinion on the importance of protecting natural assets. Thank you, Brandon, for the history lesson. We have to understand how we got to where we are if we are to be appreciative of continuing those efforts.

Don Cummings


A big heart to Hash CPA Group, Vaught Family Eye Care and Johnson County REMC for sponsoring the Interchurch Food Pantry for a half-day each. This enables us to provide food to 80 to 90 families each day. Their generous support goes far in fighting hunger in our community. Kudos for all they do.

Carol Phipps

Pantry manager

Interchurch Food Pantry of Johnson County

A big thanks to everyone who supported the Harvest Walk 2018 whether you walked or supported a walker. Over 100 walkers from around the county came together with monetary contributions and food donations to help fight hunger in our community and around the world. A special thanks to the Parks Department and the Franklin police and fire departments who helped to make our walk safe for everyone. Thanks to all! Johnson County, you are the best!

Karol Dougherty

Harvest Walk coordinator

Interchurch Food Pantry Board of Directors

A string of hearts to my family, neighbors on Reagan Circle, Grace United Methodist Church, former co-workers at Franklin Bank & Trust, and all who made my 100th birthday so special. Many heartfelt thanks to all.

Mary Paris

New Whiteland