4-H relies on volunteers to help children

Every animal in the show ring and project sewed or made on display in Scott Hall has a volunteer that helped the child in some way.

4-H volunteers educate your 4-Her about 4-H deadlines and policies, offer help on projects, decide which projects deserve the Grand Champion ribbon and spend months leading children through the process of getting a project from an idea to on display at the Johnson County Fair. They spend days in the hot sun setting up for the fair.

And according to one extension educator, part of the fair would not happen without 4-H volunteers.

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Nine 4-H volunteers from Johnson County recently were honored for volunteering for at least 20 years at the 4-H Adult and Volunteer Recognition portion of the Indiana 4-H Leadership Summit in November. Max Fitzpatrick was honored for 65 years of service and was recognized at the longest running volunteer in the state.

Johnson County boasts just over 200 adult volunteers for the 1,200 4-Hers and mini 4-Hers spread out all across the county and the awards are the culmination of an attitude of the tradition of volunteering for 4-H in Johnson County, Heather Dougherty, extension educator for 4-H Youth Development said.

They lead clubs that are spread out across the county that are formed because of locations and interests. Clubs typically meet once a month and club leaders help students pick and implement projects and get to know 4-H rules and policies. Some may arrange for guest speakers that will help 4-Hers further their interests.

“They are essentially the ones that are one to one with the kids,” Dougherty said.

Some volunteers that do not lead clubs judge projects or help with general set up at the fair. Without them, Dougherty is not sure how some aspects of the fair would be pulled off, she said.

“Even though the summer is busy, I have so many volunteers that step up and help,” Dougherty said. “I would not be able to do all of the stuff that gets done without the volunteers.”

Volunteering for 4-H is a tradition in Johnson County.

Becky Canary and her husband, Charles have volunteered for 40 years. They grew up in 4-H, moved to the county and began their decades long stints as volunteers.

4-H teaches life skills and is more than an activity for families involved in agriculture. Helping teach those life skills has been a passion for Canary, she said.

“We will always be involved in some way,” Canary said.

Their story is similar to the story of other volunteers.

Most volunteers spent time going through 4-H themselves and see the value the organization has brought into their and their children’s lives, volunteers said.

Some of the longest volunteers raised children who grew up submitting 4-H projects every year and were 10-year 4-Hers themselves. Those volunteers continued to help with the program after their children grew up and aged out, Dougherty said.

“In Johnson County, what attracts the volunteers is that it is almost a form of tradition,” she said.

Amy Spurgeon has volunteered with 4-H for 20 years. She grew up doing 4-H in Owen County, then married and relocated to Johnson County. Her husband was on the fair board and she got looped into leading a club.

Over her 20 years as a volunteer, she has seen 4-Hers take less projects and how technology has allows 4-Hers to submit more polished, professional projects, she said.

But, over her years, the same tenet of the program has not changed, Spurgeon said.

“I just think 4-H is a great opportunity for kids to explore different interests,” she said.

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Here is a look at Johnson County 4-H volunteers who were honored for their years of volunteer service at the Indiana 4-H Leadership Summit:

65 years of service

Max Fitzpatrick

40 years of service

Becky Canary

Charles Canary

30 years of service

Jeffrey Beaman

Candy McKing

25 years of service

Brenda Briggs

Kim Roberts

Larry Vandenberg

20 years of service

Amy Spurgeon

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The Indiana 4-H online enrollment period stated in October and is open until Jan. 15.

Youth may enroll at in.4honline.com

Traditional 4-H (grades 3-12) has a program fee of $25.00 per child. Mini 4-H (grades K-2) is free.
