Greenwood woman delivers first baby in 2019

The first baby born in 2019 to a Johnson County couple came nearly at the stroke of midnight.

Ayaansh Bulakh was born 38 seconds into 2019 at Franciscan Health Indianapolis to Kashikar and Mandar Bulakh of Greenwood.

The baby boy weighed nine pounds, two ounces and measured 22.25 inches long. The family received a gift basket to commemorate the occasion, according to a news release from the hospital.

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Johnson Memorial Health did not have a birth on Jan. 1, but maternity unit employees expected a birth on Wednesday, said Jeff Dutton, Johnson Memorial Health marketing director.

That family will receive a gift bag from the Trafalgar Extension Homemakers.

A baby girl born at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday to a Franklin Township (Marion County) couple was the first baby born at Community Hospital South.