Hollingsworth reinforces commitment to term limits

A U.S. Congressman who represents Johnson County visited a Greenwood service organization on Monday and said one of his top goals is to help small businesses by reforming regulation.

Trey Hollingsworth, U.S. representative, for Indiana’s 9th district, was the featured speaker at the Greenwood Rotary Club’s weekly meeting.

He told Rotary Club members and guests at the luncheon that one of his biggest priorities was to work on regulation reform. Small business owners have told him that they have to hire employees whose sole job it is to do paperwork for the federal government. Regulation costs for businesses nationwide are estimated at $1.7 trillion annually.

His second priority was workforce development. Business owners are struggling to find and retain qualified candidates for some of their jobs, Hollingsworth said. All Americans should be able to upgrade their skill sets to help match what companies need, he said.

He is one of the largest advocates in the U.S. House of Representatives for term limits on members of congress. Some politicians get elected in and focus on their political career, rather than serving their constituents.

That has to end, he said.

“This is not something you do forever, this is something you do for a limited amount of time,” he said.

Politicians who make the rules and regulations that Americans must live by, must leave service and live by the same regulations they have imposed on other Americans, Hollingsworth said.

“They have to know that they will live by the same laws you live by.”

Hollingsworth also said he is focusing on laws that would stop representatives and senators from ever being paid for lobbying work once they left office, he said.