Greenwood teen arrested for raping juvenile

A Greenwood teen was arrested and charged after a girl less than 16 years old told police he raped her in a vehicle in a parking lot.

Jonah Carlisle, 19, 2391 Shadowbrook Trace, has been arrested and charged with rape, a Level 3 felony. If convicted, he faces up to 16 years in prison.

The victim told a Greenwood police detective that Carlisle raped her in the parking lot on the east side of the city on June 13, according to a probable cause affidavit filed in Johnson County Superior Court 3.

The victim told police that she made plans via social media to meet with Carlisle about 4 a.m. on June 13. Carlisle messaged the victim and asked if she was awake, according to court documents.

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The victim told police that she climbed out of her bedroom window and met Carlisle down the street from her home. The duo then drove to the parking lot and were in the back seat of the car, court documents said.

Carlisle began kissing her and started to pull down her pants. The victim told Carlisle she did not want to have sex three times and tried to pull her pants up, but Carlisle raped her, according to court documents.

The victim then climbed into the front seat of the vehicle and told Carlisle to take her home. Carlisle refused, saying "I can’t take you home until you forgive me," court documents said.

Carlisle eventually took her home and texted the victim, asking for forgiveness, according to court documents.

Carlisle initially told police that the girl did not say no until the sex was already happening. He later told police that she told him no three times before it began. The criminal charge was filed and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

The victim agreed to a sexual assault evidence collection exam at Center of Hope at Franciscan Health.

Carlisle was arrested on Tuesday afternoon and taken to the Johnson County jail, where he was held on $16,000 bond.