Man charged with 10 felonies after child porn found on computers

A Greenwood man has been arrested and charged with 10 felonies after police found thousands of images and videos depicting children performing sexual acts on computers at his home.

Gregory Goetzinger, 49, is charged with 10 counts of possession of child pornography, a Level 5 felony. If convicted on all charges and ordered to serve them separately, he faces up to 60 years in prison.

A Greenwood police officer received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in July that an image depicting a 10-year-old girl with her genitals showing was uploaded in February from an IP address in Greenwood, according to charging documents filed this week in Johnson County Superior Court 2.

The IP address was registered to Goetzinger.

During an Oct. 4 search of Goetzinger’s home, police confiscated two laptop computers, a desktop computer and a memory card, court documents said.

Police found that Goetzinger had made multiple internet searches with phrases related to searching the internet for child pornography. Some of those search phrases included “too young,” “jailbait” and “very young jailbait,” according to court documents.

Thousands of images and videos depicting children engaged in sexual acts with adults and other children, and in at least two cases, a dog, were found on the devices police confiscated from Goetzinger’s home, court documents said.

The children in the pictures and videos ranged in age from toddlers to pre-teens.

Police interviewed Goetzinger earlier this month and he told police he needed a lawyer after they asked about the material found on his computers.

A warrant was issued for his arrested and Goetzinger, 987 Red Maple Court, was arrested late Thursday. He was taken to the Johnson County jail, where he was released on $22,500 bond.