County GOP hosts RNC watch party

Members of the local GOP gathered late Thursday night to watch President Donald Trump accept the party’s presidential nomination for the second time.

The 2020 Republican National Convention followed the 2020 Democrat National Convention last week, when former Vice President Joe Biden accepted the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. The two will go to head to head this fall. 

Sporting "Trump Pence" shirts and "Make America Great Again" hats, those attending Thursday’s watch party intently watched Trump deliver his 70-minute speech to cap off the national convention. 

The watch party at the Garment Factory Event Center in downtown Franklin included a small crowd of elected officials, candidates for local offices and supporters of Trump. Attendees enjoying food, drinks and conversations while they waited for the president to speak.

"Trump Pence" buttons, flags, signs and bumper stickers were scattered around the room for attendees to take. Cardboard cutouts of Trump and Vice President Mike Pence greeted guests in the lobby. 

Beth Boyce, chair of the Johnson County GOP, was supposed to be a delegate at the Republican National Convention this year, but with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the convention was scaled back. So, she wanted to host an event for local members of the party to gather and watch the speeches together. 

"It’s fun when you can be with other people of like minds to watch together and just have camaraderie," Boyce said.

Those at the watch party chatted during most of the speeches Thursday night, but the room fell silent to watch First Lady Ivanka Trump deliver her speech from the White House South Lawn, introducing her father. She spent her 30-minute address praising her father for "being real," highlighting his accomplishments.

“I recognize that my dad’s communication style is not to everyone’s taste. And I know that his tweets can feel a bit unfiltered,” she said during her address. “But the results … the results speak for themselves.”

And when the president appeared on the screen, the watch party cheered as he touted his accomplishments, such as trade deals and an economy that was strong before coronavirus-fueled shutdowns. They laughed when he made jabs and jokes aimed at his Democrat opponent Joe Biden. 

If elected to serve another term, Trump promised rapid job growth and slowing down the coronavirus pandemic that has infected more than 5.8 million Americans. He said Biden’s America would be "Made in China," while his is "Made in the U.S.A," which prompted applause at the party.

Indiana Senate President Pro Tem Rod Bray, R-Martinsville, attended the watch party. The best part of the president’s speech, in Bray’s opinion, was when he talked about the country’s history pioneering to make progress.

"At the end, there was the poetic part about the stretch of pioneers going out West to now, getting the first woman on the Moon and planting the flag on Mars. That was a fantastic part," Bray said. "But also, the nuts and bolts of just trying to say that, through his efforts and the Republicans efforts over the last four years, we’ve created lots of opportunity."

Michelle Davis, the Republican candidate for Indiana House District 58, said she thought the president’s speech was positive and upbeat, focusing on everything he has done, and what he plans to do.

"I believe in everything that he believes in. Everything he’s done in the last three and half years … I mean, look at our economy," Davis said.

Boyce loved the president’s speech, she said. 

"I think he has such a unique style, and the backdrop was awesome with the White House and the flags … I just loved it all," Boyce said.