Franklin man charged with child sex crimes

Police arrested a Franklin man after a young girl told investigators he fondled her, and they found evidence he sent lewd photos and advances to the now 14-year-old girl for months. 

Tad D. Brewer, 49, is charged with child molestation, child solicitation and sexual misconduct, all felonies. He could face up to 24 years in prison if convicted on all counts and ordered to serve consecutive sentences. 

It was reported to police in April that Brewer had bought the victim a cell phone, which he asked her to keep private, according to a probable cause affidavit filed Aug. 10 in Johnson County Circuit Court. 

Brewer used the cell phone to text the victim and send her inappropriate photos, including pornography and sexually explicit photos of himself. He also communicated with the victim via Snapchat, a social media application that is used to share photos and videos, court documents said. 

The victim told police Brewer would ask her to send him nude photos a lot, according to court documents. 

Brewer gave the victim the cell phone as a gift, and would buy her other gifts as well, court documents said. At first, he bought her clothes. It escalated, the victim told police, to him buying her undergarments and sex toys. 

A forensic search of the phone revealed several sexually explicit photos and videos similar in nature to what the victim reported to police, according to court documents. 

The victim also said Brewer touched her breasts on two separate occasions within about 2.5 years. Between Jan. 1, 2018 and Feb. 14, 2018, Brewer reached down her shirt under her bra and touched her breasts. Then, between Feb. 1, 2020 and April 25, Brewer "grabbed" her breast, this time over her clothes. The victim told police she slapped him that time, and he laughed at her, court documents said. 

Police arrested Brewer, 398 Banta Street, late last week and he was taken to the Johnson County jail. He was released on $26,400 bond, according to jail records.

An initial hearing is set for 9 a.m. Sept. 24 in Johnson County Circuit Court.