Court documents: Greenwood man recorded teen in bathroom

Sheriff’s deputies arrested a Greenwood man after a woman told them she found photos and a video on the man’s phone of a 14 year old getting out of the shower.

Nicholas Wade Townsend, 34, is charged with child exploitation and voyeurism, both felonies. He could face up to 8.5 years in prison if convicted on both charges and ordered to serve consecutive sentences.

The woman told deputies the video had Townsend’s face in it, according to a probable cause affidavit filed Wednesday in Johnson County Circuit Court.

Detectives obtained a search warrant for Townsend’s cell phone. The video, taken Feb. 10, was shot under a bathroom door. Townsend points the camera toward himself at the end of the video.

Detectives reached out to Townsend and asked him to meet them Feb. 12 at the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office for an interview. He admitted to recording the video, and apologized for what he had done, court documents said.

Townsend told detectives what he did was “sickening and disgusting,” he knew the victim was 14 and that what he did was wrong. He also told them he was high on drugs when he recorded the video, and he has a porn addiction. He added that he likes “small, petite women,” according to court documents.

Townsend said he would never do it again and wrote an apology letter to the victim, court documents said.

Townsend is being held at the Johnson County jail on $4,500 bond.