Letter to Editor: Reader calls for intellectual rebellion

To the Editor:

It is an indisputable truth our nation has become something never intended. The question consequently following this recognition is, for every patriot firmly believing the ideals upon which this country was founded, how are we to return to values we lost? This question is not novel; it has been proposed in history from the drafting of the constitution to present day. This writing states nothing unprecedented, rather I remind of the past, for by the past we determine our course for the future. The questions are old, the answers also, but today they have been unasked, forgotten, or silenced, and if hope of moral repair remains we must turn from our current course in order to repair the dilapidated state for generations which inherit the world we leave behind.

The battle for reform is initiated, fought, and concluded upon the field of intellect. A war with the blood and death of men wholly absent of ideology or doctrine is naught but a fruitless struggle, for in order to progress we must act with reason, there must be an answer to those inquiring “why?” Why do we turn to the past? Because our constitution insists the duty of people under its governance is to maintain values it promotes, even to the point of overthrowing officials intended to steward freedom, but who fail to uphold the promises of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Today there arises a difficulty of striking adequate blows with intellectual fervor, for a culture exists adverse to conversation. The opposition dares not permit audience to ideology antagonistic towards their own, and furthermore those few who continue seeking to promulgate logic, thought and civil discourse are silenced and ignored, garnering attendants only of similar minded individuals, further contributing to the stagnation of thought. The prospect of changing one’s mind is a concept of antiquity, and those who champion the idea are maligned as radicals striving to oppress.

Considering present society, the prospect of intellectual reformation becomes a daunting endeavor. But if what is said is true, that the right comprises the “silent majority,” it is not impossible, but only if we are silent no more. At every opportunity we must speak, we must foment conversations, encourage thought, promote logic and remind of ideals upon which our nation was founded. One voice crying out may go unheeded, but should all the crowd chant together, covered ears are compelled to hear. No longer wait until tomorrow to speak, or remain silent in fear, for tomorrow is not promised, and surrender to fear indicates the enemy has already won. Today is the time to intellectually rebel, to stem the tide bearing this great nation towards a fate akin to Soviet Russia, North Korea, Rome, Nazi Germany, and many others likewise fallen into the jaws of absolute despotism. Though a day is rising when words alone will not be enough let us begin with words, for words remain the most powerful tool we possess.

Sorin Martin
