Hearts and Darts


Grateful hearts to Sweet Scoop Market, Citizens Bank and First Financial Bank for partnering with us as ticket outlets for our recent community event, the Culpepper Merriweather Circus. Our event would not have been as successful without your assistance. You helped bring so much joy to our community, the smiles on the faces of the children and the laughter were priceless. We are beyond grateful!

Happy, happy hearts to the wonderful CPCSC bus drivers who provided shuttle service during our recent circus. Sharon Hinesley, Joanna Jones and Dean Cooper you handled this transportation detail like real champs. Your participation provided not only stress-free transportation but safety for our attendees by reducing the number of vehicles in the park. I am beyond grateful to each of you and to Clark Pleasant Community School Corporation for partnering with us to provide another great community event!

More hearts to Ryan Trares with the Daily Journal and Chris Wooldridge with KORN Country Radio for helping promote our event. Also to all of the behind-the-scenes folks that put in hours of preparation to pull this event off. And to you, our beloved community, thank you for coming out and sharing a great day of family fun with us!

Maribeth Alspach

New Whiteland