Permanent fixtures to make Franklin’s Holiday Lighting more sustainable

What’s that jackhammering in downtown Franklin? The sound of progress toward a more sustainable way to light trees surrounding the Johnson County Courthouse Square.

As the trees have gotten larger and the electric bill more expensive, it has been harder for Discover Downtown Franklin to raise enough money to sustain the holiday lighting tradition. In the year of the 65th holiday lighting, the organization came up with a new idea: permanent uplighting, said Jess Giles, executive director.

The tipping point came after news of the staggering amount it would cost to light each tree this year. Last year’s bill was $35,000, and that was already higher than what was sustainable, Giles said.

Workers with the city of Franklin and Yarnell Electric began installing electrical conduit under the sidewalk for the lighting. Later, spotlights will be installed at each tree, which are white by default but can be changed to any color to celebrate Christmas and other holidays, Giles said.

Even with the new lighting, Discover Downtown plans to continue to wrap some of the trees this year, she said. The overall plan for holiday lighting is evolving and the organization is in the process of creating a five-year plan to add new features and make the traditional aspects of the lighting on the courthouse and around the square more sustainable, she said.

The lights won’t always be on but could be turned on to celebrate any holiday, Giles said. For example the lights could be colored red, white and blue to celebrate Independence Day, or turning them blue to celebrate runs at sectionals or state for Franklin sports teams, she said.

In the future, the organization plans to add even more lighting for the holidays, with one idea being a lighted trail in Youngs Creek Park. That will depend on funding, though, Giles said.

“Once we establish our goals the possibilities are endless,” Giles said. “We hope the public will embrace these new aspects of holiday lighting.”

The permanent lighting project is funded by the organization’s endowment and donations from individuals and businesses during the annual holiday lighting fundraiser, this year dubbed #Gift65, in honor of the organization’s 65th year. So far, the fundraiser has brought in over $26,400 of the $65,000 goal, according to the fundraising page.

The city of Franklin, Johnson County and Festival Country, also donated to the cause, she said.

Donations for the holiday lighting are accepted at any time and can be made online via a link on the Holiday Lighting page at, or via check to the Johnson County Community Foundation, which holds the endowment for the annual event. Checks, with a note the money is for the holiday lighting, can be mailed to 398 S. Main St., Franklin, Ind. 46131.